\n );\n }\n}\n--\x3e\n\n
React Hooks compatibility has landed as of version 2.x. Most demos however are still in the form of class components. If you’d like to integrate react-simple-keyboard in a function component, check out this demo:
\n\nTypes are included in react-simple-keyboard. For an example, check out the following demos:
\n\n For Typescript + React Hooks : \n\n\n\n Demos: \n View Demo\n \n\n | \n \n For Typescript + Class Components: \n\n\n Demos: \n View Demo\n \n | \n
If you run into issues using react-simple-keyboard with Preact and/or Preact-compat, please use the core simple-keyboard.
\n\nIf you are using Gatsby or similar static site generators, it’s recommended to use the core simple-keyboard package instead.